Advanced Technology


Our office utilizes the latest in technology to enhance the quality and fit for your dental care.

Our practice uses Orascoptic Loupes to enhance the precision of patient care. Using top-of-the-line loupes similar to the one an ophthalmologist may use, enables us to offer services that are precise.

For the most precise aspects of restorative procedures, we use electric hand-pieces. This results in extraordinarily precise interfaces between your tooth and your new restoration (crown, veneer, or filling). This will bring more comfort to you as well. With a more precise tool, there is less vibration and less noise.


Dr. Marcial carefully and masterfully utilizes radiographs to create the best and most effective treatment plan. Radiographs enable us to detect cavities in between your teeth, determine bone level, and analyze the health of your bone. We can also examine the roots and nerves of teeth, diagnose lesions such as cysts or tumors, as well as assess damage when trauma occurs.


Dental radiographs are invaluable aids in diagnosing, treating, and maintaining dental health. Exposure time for dental radiographs is extremely minimal. Dr. Marcial utilizes multiple top-of-the-line, reliable radiographic macinery in the office, including the iTero intraoral scanning device used mainly for Invisalign, retainers, and night guards, the KAVO Panorex CBCT to capture an image of the entire mouth. Digital imaging allows us to store patient images, and enables us to quickly and easily transfer them to specialists or insurance companies.


Digital X-rays offer more precision since we view the image on a computer monitor, instead of holding up a 35mm film up to the light. Digital X-rays offers 1/6th less radiation exposure to you.



Dr. Marcial utilizes intraoral camera technology, SUPROCARE. An intraoral camera is a very small camera – in some cases, just a few millimeters long. An intraoral camera allows our practice to view clear, precise images of your mouth, teeth, and gums. It can indicate caries, or decay, and inflammation. With clear, defined, enlarged images, Dr. Marcial can better explain your treatment plan. This can mean faster diagnosis with less chair-time for you!

Intra oral cameras also enable our practice to save your images in our office computer to provide a permanent record of treatments. These images can be printed for you, other specialists, and your lab or insurance companies.


164-11 Crocheron Ave, Flushing, NY 11358

Phone: (718) 353-1309


  • MON - WED10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU - FRIClosed
  • SAT8:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • SUNClosed
Contact Us

150 E 58th St. 8Floor Annex, New York, NY 10155

Phone: (917) 227-2328


  • MON - WEDClosed
  • THU10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI - SUNClosed
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